Youth Group

LYF (Lutheran Youth Fellowship)

Let the children of Zion rejoice in their King! Psalm 149:2

The youth of Trinity Lutheran Church in Manilla, IA and Zion Lutheran Church in Manning, IA joyfully partner together to support and encourage one another in their Christian confession and Christian walk. 

Typically, they meet Sunday evenings at 6pm at Zion Lutheran Church.  9th through 12th grades are welcome. 
Pastor Andrew Johnson and Deaconess Tiffany Johnson lead this group.  

The 9th through 12 graders also meet for bible study every Sunday morning at Zion at 10:15 a.m. following worship.

Our youth regularly participate in congregational events and serve our Advent and Lenten Suppers and the Easter breakfast.  They participate in the LCMS national youth gatherings that are held every three years and attend the annual Iowa District West gathering each fall.

Want to learn more? Call the church office or drop us an email through the "contact us" link.

Junior Youth Group

Let the children of Zion rejoice in their King! Psalm 149:2

Zion loves kids. The Jr. Youth of Zion are actively involved in our Midweek Confirmation Program (grades 5 - 8). During this time they gather for fellowship, singing, and faith building. Every fall our Jr. Youth have the opportunity to attend a region youth gathering for a special weekend of faith strengthening. They serve as acolytes on Sunday mornings during worship and will help with yearly events such as the Preschool Fall Festival. And at special times throughout the year our Jr. Youth are invited to contribute their voices to the leading of the Divine Service.

Want to learn more? Call the church office or drop us an email through the "contact us" link.

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